All the times I've been fooled by patriarchy

by Garance Ouzy

"All the times I've been fooled by the patriarchy" is a podcast by Garance Ouzy that unravels the representations of our society, by attacking with humour their fabrication, their diffusion and their effects on our lives.  
A feminist podcast to download, to listen to in the morning, in the car, while running, while working, in the metro.  
Between the radio chronicle and the diary, or the confidences and reflections of a friend on the terrace of a café put together, this podcast should help us to feel better.


Online experience
Computer, Smartphone, Tablet
Teenagers - from 12 to 18 years, Adults
Update : 26/05/2023
Podcast Cover (Garance OUZY)
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Why, when in many countries the laws give men and women equal rights, do things not work out as expected? Why is it that even when we think of ourselves as feminists, we do not always apply our conceptions of equality in our lives?
What if we suddenly discover that our brains and our lives are colonised to the core by ideas that do not belong to us and that turn us into some of the obstacles on the road to our own freedom? The patriarchy has succeeded in infiltrating where we did not expect it. And it's easy, it has a large factory of representations: art, cinema, literature, advertising, history, humour, news, philosophy, pornography, etc.

This podcast traces the intimate and funny hunt for representations that a woman may have internalized in an unconscious way, and that continue to ruin her life. 
Using the narrator's life and anecdotes, the podcast questions both the way in which these representations are created, disseminated and accepted, and the effects they have on society and on women.
This podcast trains listeners to peel back the layers of internalized patriarchy that shape our reflexes, our desires, our choices, and then allows us to deconstruct what seems so obvious that we don't think about it anymore, deconstructing what we are supposed to do with our lives, not only the grand plan, the great architecture of our lives, but also all the little things we no longer pay attention to, all those little things that accumulate to make up our existence and our relationships with others.

A feminist podcast with short episodes (between 5 and 15 minutes) to be downloaded, to be listened to in the morning, in the car, while running, while working, in the metro, hoping that they will still resonate throughout the day and provoke new avenues of reflection in the listener.


"I love stories and I think they are very important. Myths, jokes, tales, films, historical anecdotes help to create a collective imagination, beliefs that are inscribed in our bodies, our habits and that shape the world and our place in it", Episode 1

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Online experience
Multi-users - Solo
Teenagers - from 12 to 18 years, Adults
Free (for private broadcasting only)
Original language
Computer (Mac, Windows) ; Smartphone (Android, Nintendo Switch) ; Tablet (Android, iOS)
Internet connection
Required to broadcast the artwork
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Garance Ouzy
Garance Ouzy
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