Artist CV Generator

by Florian Schonerstedt

"Getting closer and taking over the database of the network Document d'artistes PACA, Florian Schönerstedt models its own artist resume generator which delivers four parameters (name, surname, date of birth and place of life). On this minimal and yet revealing basis of social stakes, the artist points out the modalities of success and recognition supposed in art. The basic and administrative aesthetic of the A4 paper sheet delivers, with even more symbolic violence, its implicit cogs."

From the text by Marion Zilio, Couper les flux et bifurquer

In-situ experience
Screen, Computer, Other
Suitable for all audiences
Update : 12/06/2024
artiste resume generator (François Fernandez)
artiste resum generator (Francois Fernandez)
Artiste resum generator (Francois Fernandez)
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This project began during my residency Art and worlds of work initiated by the DRAC PACA handled by Espace d'Art Concret and SAP Labs of Mougins, from the end of 2022 to the beginning of 2023. During this period, within the company, I discovered different teams and in particular the Security Lab Reserch working on cybersecurity issues through the use of algorithms of artificial intelligence. After a presentation of their research, I discovered a resume generator that they have developed to create anonymized datasets. The resumes are realistic but do not correspond to any existing person, so they can work on questions of personal data without using it. 

It is from this discovery that I proposed to the researcher Francesco Di Cerbo to work on an installation that would adopt this principle but in a new direction. Indeed, the question of the CV is universal and transdisciplinary but functions differently in different fields. The resume of a researcher will not spotlight the same data as that of an engineer for example. The art world is no exception. The resume of an artist is very important in their career in same manner as their work, which at first glance might not seem obvious. But this deformed image of the artist whose work would suffice itself is largely false. The art world is a professional world, governed by codes where the path is as important as the work. It is not a question of the intrinsic quality of an artist’s work but of its place in as a professional actor. The resume therefore has a prominent place in the life of an artist.

Consequently, the installation takes over the generic resume generator to become an artist resume generator where everyone can get a fictional resume based on a few informations.

This first version of the generator uses data from the site Documents d'artistes PACA (, who granted me permission.

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In-situ experience
Suitable for all audiences
Suitable for visitors with developmental and learning disabilities, Suitable for people with reduced mobility
Original language
Public outreach
Screen ; Computer (Windows) ; Other
Internet connection
Required to broadcast the artwork
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