Annie Bascoul's work, Blaise Pascal et les jardins (Blaise Pascal and Gardens), responds to the need for a new look at Pascal's work, his influence, the scope of his work and his affinities.
Blaise Pascal et les jardins d’Annie Bascoul
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In Pascal's footsteps, we follow the flowerbeds and other plant embroideries, discovering mathematical principles and theorems. Annie Bascoul's new work focuses on gardens, and in particular formal gardens. She wanted to highlight the symbiotic dimension between a researcher (Blaise Pascal) and 17th-
century landscape gardeners, by creating art books with embossed pages and watercolour illustrations.
Blaise Pascal et les jardins takes a fresh look at the Anthropocene's desire for man to dominate nature, which seems to call into question the necessary
symbiosis between all "natural elements".
Artist: Annie Bascoul
Augmented reality: Christophe Bascoul
Creation: 2023
Production: VIDEOFORMES, presented as part of the Saison Culturelle de
Gerzat, the Festival Connexions du département du Puy de Dôme and the
Blaise Pascal year in Clermont-Ferrand.
120m² space minimum
AR design software
To be supplied by the organizer:
10 tables
10 spotlights
Digital tablet(s)
Supplied by VIDEOFORMES:
Mediation documents
10 prepared elements (book, pages...)
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