Faune is a series of 10 large format posters to be studied with an augmented reality application. They reveal the wildlife hiding on city walls.
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Hung in the public space, the posters encourage people to undertake a sort of treasure trail, following the tracks of imaginary animals. When the posters are viewed through a screen using augmented reality, an imaginary animate being can be seen nestled in the landscape of the poster. Held outdoors, the installation is suitable for all audiences. It is an introduction to a poetic and Dadaist form of orienteering which gives viewers an opportunity to observe with attention our daily urban surroundings and invites wonder back into the mundane.
Faune is a collaboration between Adrien M & Claire B and graphic designers Brest Brest Brest.
Keywords : large format poster, graphic design, augmented reality, motion design, unity, physical models of movement, landscape, black and white, poetic, dada, public space, collage, philosophical tracking, treasure hunt, hide-and-seek, orienteering, game
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