Money, from bills to coins, has no intrinsic value beyond what we’ve collectively agreed to grant it. All the same however, there’s no denying that money governs our lives. FORTUNE! is a series of 10 animated and interactive documentary shorts about Money in augmented reality for Instagram and Snapchat.
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There’s no denying that money governs our lives. FORTUNE! offers a modern & pop exploration of the power of money, its psychology, and the arbitrary and artificial dimensions of our economic system. FORTUNE is a series of 10 animated documentary shorts in augmented reality for Instagram and Snapchat.
Based on personal testimonies and audio interviews, each episode is a new encounter: each interviewee has a story to tell about how money rules or affects his life. Let’s meet a treasure hunter, a counterfeiter, a farmer... and explore their stories with interactive AR animations. Each episode will be accessible on Instagram and Snapchat as AR filters.
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