How is it possible that the medium of journalism, which exists to bring to light all dysfunctions, oppressions and prejudices, has kept buried the problems that existed within it? What prevents this profession from looking at itself in the mirror that it holds up to the rest of society? And thus kept the cases of sexism and harassment in silence for so long? In 5 episodes, Clara Garnier-Amouroux investigates: journalists of all generations and all editorial staff tell and analyze this paradox.
Le paradoxe des journalistes
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In February 2019, Liberation publishes a first article on the LOL League, a Facebook group in which journalists, communicators, advertisers make humor, exchange links. Liberation reveals that some of them have cyberharassed young journalists, feminist activists, bloggers, homosexuals, racialized people... Numerous revelations of sexist and sexual assaults in the French media follow. Situations that sometimes last for more than 10 years. At that time, journalist Clara Garnier-Amouroux graduated from journalism school less than a year ago, and she was amazed. How is it possible that this story has remained secret for so long?
Season 1 of Injustices is presented by Clara Garnier-Amouroux, directed by Bastien Vigault and Renaud Duguet.
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