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NEXT engages with major contemporary questions surrounding technology, cultural heritage, and our future as a species.
This striking video, generated with the help of AI, transports you into a future where humanity has irreversibly transformed its environment. The project explores a natural and architectural heritage on the brink of extinction and offers a nightmarish yet predictive vision of what awaits us if we fail to radically change our way of life, highlighting the consequences of our inaction. How can AI help us imagine our future while confronting us with the repercussions of our present? The project questions human identity in a post-Anthropocene world where technology surpasses our cognitive abilities.
As we navigate an urgent global crisis, NEXT, in resonance with the concept of the Anthropocene, is a message in constant reflection. Yet, it also embodies hope: through the presence of dancing bodies, it symbolizes a reinvented humanity evolving within a transformed environment.
The idea is to present a silent witness to this transformation, inspired by great Romantic paintings, created using data processed by artificial intelligence. A fascinating exploration of our destiny through devastated landscapes that ground these AI-generated scenes in a near-future that feels eerily familiar.
AI is becoming more widespread, yet remains complex to harness in an immersive format. With its vast learning base, it reflects how our society perceives itself. By showcasing chaotic landscapes, NEXT merges artistic representations with images of real events—events that are becoming increasingly frequent. Strikingly, within this chaos lies a hypnotic quality and an unsettling beauty.