Post Growth Prototypes is a series of critical case studies, which puts provocative academic models to work. This video essay addresses biosphere work, solar income and energy transition in the Anthropocene.
Post Growth Prototypes
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Post Growth Prototypes invites us to challenge the dominant narratives about growth and progress, and explore speculative environmental accounting models on the frontiers of the quantifiable.
“All models are wrong but some are useful.”
Post Growth Prototypes is a series of critical case studies, which puts provocative academic models to work. This video essay addresses biosphere work, solar income and energy transition in the Anthropocene. It attempts to highlight, through the necessarily distorting lens of scientific models, some of the facets of our contemporary environmental condition which are often obscured, unquantifiable, imperceptible, entangled complexities, and known unknowns.
Post Growth Prototypes is a series of companion videos for a body of past and ongoing artistic research, installations, and toolkits initiated by

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