Super is a seemingly normal video game, but it has been designed against the principles of functionality and ergonomics of industrial video games.
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Super offers a large controller on a very small cathode ray tube screen with a pixel art rendering reminiscent of the video games of the 70s and 80s. The game follows a succession of scenes from the major video game genres (adventure, platform, role-playing, shooting, etc.). The player has to find a way out of the situation in a given time, with rules that he or she does not yet know. The goal is to succeed in all the situations proposed in a random order.
Super is a video game that is offbeat both in its aesthetics and in its interaction, which leads to a humorous situation that makes the player feel self-mokery. In addition to being a difficult game that is ill-suited to players, Super questions the technology in video games and the video game heritage.
The game takes up the codes of old games, called retrogamming, and puts on show, with nostalgia for some and wonder for others, the heritage of both hardware and software, but also the genres and graphics presented. While the video game industry is in the race for technology and innovation to give even more innovative experiences, the old consoles are being replaced by the new generations.
Alineaire is a collective of digital artists who mix games, technology and gestures and create video-game installations.
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