Produced in 2020 by GEDEON Experiences with the RMN Grand Palais and in partnership with UBISOFT and HTC Vive Arts, this experience accompanies the immersive Pompeii exhibition and plunges visitors into the heart of the ruins of the famous ancient city, in a house discovered during the latest excavations.
VR Experience Pompeii
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By exploring the remains, the visitor-archaeologist's mission is to find archaeological objects that will help him or her to better understand the past. Equipped with a temporal flashlight, he sweeps his beam over the ruins in which he finds himself, revealing the richly furnished and decorated ancient Domus, as it was still visible in 79 AD, before the eruption. Photogrammetry was used to capture and render the photo-realistic remains of a middle-class Pompeian house and garden.
The VR experience allows three simultaneous users to explore the ruins and collectively reconstitute a collection of objects from among those furnishing the house. Once these objects have been found, they can be used to discover the fully reconstructed room, in its original state, and provide access to historical and scientific information.
Design and development: Ferdinand Dervieux
3D reconstruction: Aristeas
VR optimization: Ubisoft
VR equipment: HTC Vive Arts
Produced by GEDEON Experiences with the support of the European Union through the Creative cross-sectoral grant.
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