The In-between World of Voodoo by Tawan Arun immerses us in the mysterious and fascinating world of voodoo religious practices, based on animist beliefs with their roots in Africa. Offering a unique anthropological and spiritual experience, the virtual reality (VR) series explores this peaceful religious practice that still stirs up fantasies of violence and black magic. Comprising five episodes, this VR experience takes users on a journey from Benin – birthplace of the voodoo religion – all the way to Cuba, Haiti, Guadeloupe, and the Southern United States.
The In-between World of Voodo
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The set-up should make it possible to experience the transition to another dimension, which corresponds exactly to the definition of the voodoo. Starting from a real ceremony, which can be explored in a documentary 360 video, the user will gradually notice that there is another world hidden, behind this supposed reality. He is invited to enter this « invisible world ». There, a universe is waiting for him, where the sacred, the dinivities and the memory of the ancestors will be revealed to him.They become visible in a form of fragments of volumetric videos and ghostly 3D animations.
The second part of the VR experience consists of a computer-generated 3D environment. The user will have the opportunity to interact and move around in a virtual space beyond reality. The design of the rites and the transition to the other world will be informed by experts contribution (anthropologists, historians, museum curators). They will be designed and validated on the basis of the experience of voodoo masters and insiders.
The experience is divided into 5 episodes of 10 minutes each.
Fully immersed in the ceremony with the initiates entering into trance, users are progressively guided towards a second part of the experience. Using 3D graphic animation and volumetric video, it is informed by documentary testimonies and by discussions between the creators of the experience and voodoo initiates.
This journey into another dimension, produced with the latest VR technology, even more inte- ractive and immersive, invites users into the “invisible world of voodoo”: a universe inhabited by ancestors, spirits and gods, where the forces of nature flow, and where questions of good, evil, illness and death come into play.
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