L'Atlas des matrices is a slideshow displaying screenshots of every Dead Pixels²'s endgame, updated in real time. As a collection of maps, the images show the claimed and disputed territories through these emerged graphic compositions. The Atlas is projected on a canvas to showcase these records of the playful dialogue between the players through the machine and highlight the game as a creative act.
L'Atlas des matrices
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L'Atlas des matrices is a creation always presented alongside a second playful installation, deadPixels².
deadPixels² is a competitive game-installation for two to eight players, in teams of two. deadPixels²'s controllers can take two forms depending on the needs of the exhibition space: classic gamepads or a large bar featuring eight joysticks fixed on painter's palettes. The game features a blank matrix, projected onto a canvas resting on an easel. Players embody small colored pixels that they can move on the canvas to leave traces in the colors of their team. When a player succeeds in making a closed shape, it fills with the color of the outline. When players mix two colors from opposite teams, the pixels "die", leaving glitched black pixel holes in the canvas. At the end of a game, the canvas altered by the choices of the players reflects the behaviors adopted, like a battlefield witnessing the turf wars it has supported
L'Atlas des matrices (the atlas of matrixes) is a slideshow of screenshots from every endgame of deadPixels², updated in real time. Like a collection of maps, the images present the conquered and disputed territories through these emergent graphic compositions. L'Atlas des matrices is projected in a frame to highlight these traces of the playful dialogue between the player and the machine and to present the game as a creative gesture. Each exhibit sees the entire Atlas des matrices broadcast online in the form of a video or, more often, a visual called La matrice des matrices (The matrix of matrices): a union of the various screenshots in a single graphic composition .
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