The Yemaya project is a virtual reality immersive installation, an attempt to reformulate a visual and poetic language using scientific tools and processes. It consists in deploying an oneiric staging based on certain modellings of caves, from the CNRS digital archive, entirely made with the technology of undersea photogrammetry.
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The Yemaya project is a virtual-reality immersive installation, an attempt to reformulate a visual and poetic language using scientific tools and processes. It consists in deploying an oneiric staging based on certain modellings of caves, from the CNRS digital archive, entirely made with the technology of undersea photogrammetry, acoustic measurements from an active underwater sensor, which technological resources allow enhanced scientific observation of the undersea world, all with high resolution three dimensional visualisation.
The project offers a meditative and poetic excursion in which each detail is modelled like a musical vibration. It also encourages us to consider the question of the image, of forms of representation and their aesthetic and technological manifestations.
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