
Active since : 2021

Novaya is a young company creating artistic immersive experiences with augmented reality.

Our strength is to gather artists, engineers, and film producers to ensure the writing of projects, the creation of the virtual universes as well as the construction of in-venue installations, and the development of AR technologies. Our technical team has created Solastalgia, the first big-scale AR installation selected at Sundance.

Our creations are aimed at public and private cultural institutions, such as museums, cultural centers, theaters, or foundations, but also at any institution or company wishing to offer their audience an immersive artistic experience. We adapt the technical means to the location.

Paris (75001), France
We speak French, English, Spanish, Italian
Contact the team
Giraud Pierre-Alain
Update : 12/12/2022
Colored (Novaya)
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Festival de Cannes / Compétition immersive Compétition Immersive (France) - 2024
Lux Film Festival Pavillon VR (Luxembourg) - 2024
Sima Award XR (United States) - 2024
Thea Award (United States) - 2024
Sunny Side of the Doc Prix du Pitch Expériences Numériques (France) - 2021
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