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"Their way of not understanding me was not the same as I did of not understanding them" Roy Wagner, anthropologist.
How to face this double encounter: one between science and art, and another between France and China, and create art ? How to produce an artwork embracing these two connections at the same time ?
With Transfert, the virtual connections between these worlds take the shape of a cloud of points. These point clouds animate up to form a dreamed connectivity between spaces, from the urban heart of Beijing to the underground networks of Paris. Transfert is close to a dream, that of a possible translation between science and art where without reducing one to the other we could navigate seamlessly between the two territories.
A universe where all positions are unstable. It is only close to the virtual eye of the camera that the world balances itself in a stable perspective organization. It is the position of the gaze of the camera that causes the organization of the space, a space which itself is constantly changing. It is from our relative position that we can consolidate a changing world without ever fully grasping it.