Gwenael François

Active since : 2010
A person

Gwenael François is a French writer, director and producer. He writes and directs fiction projects, interactive digital experiences and produces innovative works thanks to his company Skill Lab based in Luxembourg.

Photograph and video-maker from an early age, Gwenael François always preserved his desire of creativity throughout his course.

While studying in performing arts and a professional training in camera/editing in France, he developed skills in digital creation and filmmaking by himself. Editor for TV channels like TTV, and, he creates there its first works in motion design with the making of broadcast designs for the channels. At the same period he directs short story projects like Number or the fictional clip Kaïna for the band R.I.C?

In 2010, he founds Skill Lab, in Luxembourg with Julien Becker, which allows them to achieve their goals of creation, film directing and film productions. He directs many commercials (Adidas, Rosport), self-promotion projects noticed on the Web as well as the production of films like 22:22, Article 19-42 or the docu-fiction An Zero directed by Julien Becker. He's also known for directing the music video « Paprika » which received a warm welcome around the world and brought some awards ( Best music video Luxembourg 2018)

Always attracted by innovative technologies, he writes and develops a VR film Oto's Planet and co-produces with Novelab an interactive VR project around the myth of Jack the Ripper The Crow of Whitechapel.

Crusnes (54680), France
I speak French, English
Update : 27/05/2024
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Atelier Grand Nord Montréal (Canada), 2021
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