Live Drawing Project

by Maxime Touroute, broadcast by Reveality
Prix PEPITE des Pépites décerné par le Ministère de (...) l'innovation 2020

With the Live Drawing Project you can create a collective artwork made of video projected drawings. The audience is invited to draw freely on their smartphones. Everyone can draw simultaneously. The drawings are video projected instantly on a wall. They appear, disappear, change colours and move. They create a vivid composition both poetic and surprising.
The artistic team comes on site to talk with the audience, invite shy people to draw and control the projection.
COVID FRIENDLY : the project can be installed remotely.


In-situ experience
Video projector
Suitable for all audiences
Without dialogue
Update : 25/06/2024
Live Drawing @ Creative Night
Interactive drawing projections (Maxime Touroute, Louis Clément, Maxime Hurdequint)
Projection on the National Gallery of Dublin façade - French Embassy in Ireland (Dora Kazmeriak, courtesy of the French Embassy)
Live Drawing Project @ Bruxelles - Des Blocs Festival (Live Drawing Project)
Live Drawing Project @ Saint-Etienne (France) - Pleiades Festival (Live Drawing Project)
Live Drawing Project @ Saint-Etienne (France) - Pleiades Festival (Live Drawing Project)
Live Drawing Project @ Lyon (France) - Centre d'Histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation (Live Drawing Project)
Live Drawing Project @ Corsica - Festi Lumi (Live Drawing Project)
Live Drawing Project @ Troyes (France) (Live Drawing Project)
Live Drawing Project @ Lima (Peru) - Digital November & French Alliance (French Alliance of Lima)
Live Drawing Project @ Lima (Peru) - Digital November & French Alliance (French Alliance of Lima)
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For all audiences

Our system is designed to be intuitive so everyone can participate:

1. The user stops in front of the projected wall and takes his smartphone.The user opens our website (written on the projected wall) to start drawing.

2. The user draws using his fingers or a stylus directly on our web page. There is no nothing to install on the device.

3. When the drawing is done, the user shares it in a single click. It appears instantly on the projected wall with all the others' drawings.

4. The artistic team is on site to help and talk with the public. We bring with us smartphones and tablets to make sure no one is excluded. We animate the projection with different drawing thematics to build meaningul drawings. We can choose the drawing thematics with the organisers.

Moderation : if needed, we can moderate all the drawings made by the audience to avoid bad behaviours (We rarely have to use it)

International : the drawing tool and drawing thematics can be translated to any language

Easy technical set-up

- A wall outside or inside. All kinds of walls can work
- A projector and its fixation support
- Free space around the wall for the audience to gather and draw

Covid-Friendly :
- We can prepare and project entirely without moving from our homes (Made with French Embassy of Irelance, Lima French Alliance, Copenhagen French Institute)
- We can livestream the projected wall and let people draw online, from home, and see their drawings appear by watching the livestream.

About Us

We believe that drawing is a more intuite medium than writing. We are a team of set designers, engineers and artists. We want to turn the audience into active participants of a collective artwork. With the Live Drawing Project, our mission is to offer a creative playground for everyone to join.

More infos on our website

Votre contact
In-situ experience
From 1 to 10000 people
Suitable for all audiences
Minimum age
2 years
Suitable for visitors with developmental and learning disabilities, Suitable for people with reduced mobility
Being able to use a smartphone or tablet is required to participate. It's possible to watch the projection without drawing.
Original language
Without dialogue
Public outreach
Video projector
Internet connection
Required to broadcast the artwork
A workshop may accompagny this artwork.
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Culture Night Dublin (Ireland), 2021
Festival Des Blocs Bruxelles (Belgium), 2021
Festival Pléiades Saint Etienne (France), 2021
Salon du Livre de Troyes Troyes (France), 2021
Copenhagen Light Festival Copenhague (Denmark), 2020
Glow Winter Light Festival Calgary (Canada), 2020
Novembre Numérique Copenhague (Denmark), 2020
Novtec Lima Lima (Peru), 2020
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Artistic direction
Maxime Touroute
Rémy Dupanloup
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