Active since : 2020

BLYND is an audiovisual sound production company based in Lyon, specializing in sound fiction adapted from comic book scripts. It was founded by Studio Anatole, expert in dubbing and post-production for 36 years. The audio series it produces meet very high quality standards and are carefully designed to bring you on a journey at the core of the most beautiful stories : from thrillers to heroic fantasy, through comedy.

BLYND's ambition : to allow everyone to discover the 9th art in a different way, thanks to exceptional sound creations.

The goal of the company is to delight fans of comics, audio fiction but also of audio books, literature, beautiful scripts, audio web series and audio sagas. All this is possible thanks a dedicated digital distribution solution : the BLYND application.

Put your headphones on, turn up the sound of your speakers... the adventure begins. Dive into your favorite comics. BLYND produces audio dramas adapted from comic book scripts. You can listen wherever you want, whenever you want. BLYND offers a totally immersive experience in which you can « live » the comic book. The magic recipe ? Dialogues played by actors "as if they were there", characters played by the greatest French voices, original music theme and advanced sound design (sound effects and ambiences).

BLYND create its audio comics as cinematographic works so that you can "see" the comic just with sound ! (Re)Discover your favorite heroes and universes in audio comics.

Lyon (69001), France
We speak French
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Borne Timothée
Update : 12/04/2023
BLYND - Audio comics
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