Les Ensembles 2.2

Active since : 2009

A Strasbourg-based creative studio working in the field of sound and hybrid arts since 2009, Les Ensembles 2.2 specialise in designing projects for the public space.

Experts in the field of sound, we design, produce, support and broadcast multiform creations: compositions, concerts, installations and audio trails.

We have developed a strong expertise in the field of sound. Our field of expertise covers the classic techniques of sound creation, sound recording, mixing and mastering, along with more specific and technical fields such as geolocation, spatialisation and sonification (conversion of data into sound).

We have developed a set of computer tools that enable us to manage a complete sound scenography, to generate geolocalised audio trails for smartphones, and to create different types of sound spaces that allow sound to be broadcast in real or simulated 3D using headphones, an application that is of particular interest to the field of virtual reality, for example.

Strasbourg (67000), France
We speak French, English
Contact the team
Elodie Morlaës
Update : 15/05/2024
GOH - Open-air sound fictions
Les Ensembles 2.2
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Projects that showcase our skills and expertise
Port Data
2021 - Festival Musica et Esch2022 – Capitale européenne de la culture

Port Data is a digital audio story, geolocated in the Port du Rhin area in Strasbourg, which combines fiction, documentary and musical composition. It is enriched by the participation of the inhabitants who have passed on to the artists stories linked to the places you are going to cross.

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In the field
2022 - Esch2022, Capitale Européenne de la Culture

In the field are 6 open-air sound fictions created within the framework of Esch2022, European Capital of Culture and available on the French - Luxembourg border. These soundwalks are located in these cities: Lasauvage, Thil, Villerupt, Kayl/Schifflange, Esch-sur-Alzette, Audun-le-Tiche.

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