A 5-part investigation on how the climate change impacts women's lives.
Un jour la terre s'ouvre
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Un jour la terre s'ouvre is a series of 5 episodes of 23 to 36 minutes that helps up to better understand the impact of climate change on the lives of women.
Episode 1: A sexist tsunami seems impossible. However, natural disasters kill more women than men. How is it possible ? It's the beggining of this investigation.
Episode 2: August 15, 2003: temperatures finally begin to drop, but the heat wave has already killed nearly 14,000 people in France. Among them, a large majority of people over 75 but also a large majority of women. They represent 65% of the victims. But why did women die in greater numbers ?
Episode 3: Lucile Torregrossa interviews Maria Udrescu, journalist who collected the testimony of Ntonya Sande, to understand the impact of climate change on the number of child marriages. She also interviews Cate Owren, gender specialist at the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), who investigated for two years the effects of climate change on violence against women and girls in south Africa and the United States.
Episode 4: Women are on the front line in the face of global warming: the first victims, but also the first to sound the alarm, to organize themselves, to act. In this episode, Lucile Torregrossa confronts this paradox: why is the voice of the first concerned so little taken into account in the fight against climate change ?
Episode 5: According to essayist and journalist Naomi Klein, climate change is a failure of the imagination. We fail to understand the future that awaits us if we do not change our behavior, but above all to imagine an alternative future, and a fairer society. In this last episode of One day the Earth opens, Lucile Torregrossa wonders what is the role of imaginations in the eco-feminist movement, how to activate these imaginations, and extract new tools of struggle from them.
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