Entropia is an immersive performance, born from the work of the artist Fraction on 3D sound spatialization and co-created with the scenographer Louis-Philippe St Arnault. It consists of a geodesic sphere placed within the performance space, with its visual mapping synchronized with the sound, while maintaining constant interaction with the projection of immersive visuals on the exterior walls. The audience, positioned around the sphere as if in a ritual, is invited to experience the piece as an initiatory, hypnotic, contemplative journey, transcending time.
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Entropia is an immersive performance, initiated by the work of artist Fraction on 3D sound spatialization and co-created with designer and scenographer Louis-Philippe St Arnault, based on the synergy between surround sound, direct light from a physical object, and 360° projections to create an intense sensory experience. It revolves around a geodesic sphere placed within the performance space, where the visual mapping is synchronized with the sound, and it maintains constant interaction with immersive visual projections on the exterior walls. The sound artist stands inside the sphere, actively performing real-time sound spatialization using specially developed programs for the piece.
For 40 minutes, by combining different sound and visual media, the artists construct Entropia, an audio-visual work paying homage to visionary architect Buckminster Fuller, designed as an initiatory, hypnotic, contemplative journey outside of time. The audience, positioned around the sphere as if in a ritual, becomes one with the spatiality of the space and witnesses a "total" performance. The space itself becomes the performance, offering an extraordinary aesthetic experience.
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