13 Prods

Active since : 2004

Calling the world into question, investigating its inner workings, highlighting breaking points and lines of utopia, sharing the lives of dedicated men and women - this is what stimulates the enthusiasm of the 13 Prods teams, producing documentaries and fictions as well as working on the writing of tomorrow.

To produce directors we love to work with, to discover new talent and help them realize their dreams, to go beyond our borders to show what's out there and share our expertise through international co-productions - these are the goals of 13 Prods.

In Marseille, where we were born, and in Paris, where we also operate, the 13 Prods teams are committed to developing and producing documentaries on politics, history, society, discovery, sports, investigation and culture. Podcasts, fiction, feature films and digital writing accompany the company's development.

Because we still believe that exploring the world to unveil reality, to retrace its history, to explore humanity make sense.

Because we still believe that the works created by our directors feed public debate.

Because we still believe that cinema and television represent a path, however humble, to changing the world!

Marseille (13002), France
We speak French, English, Spanish
Contact the team
Justine Perez
Cyrille Perez
Gilles Perez
Update : 15/05/2024


Projects that showcase our skills and expertise
Algerian Sauce
2022 - Spotify

Algerian Sauce is a journey into the Algerian part of France. 39% of young French people have a family link with the Algerian War and colonization. Six of them talk to Paul Max Morin about how they can heal the wounds of the past and, above all, move beyond them.

Find out more
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