CARGO is an immersive, interactive sound installation that invites the public to discover fictional accounts of characters in migration situations in the Mediterranean basin. Political exiles, missionary and religious pilgrimages, mass tourism, economic exchanges, professional and family moves, returns home. What destinies are at stake in these contemporary migrations? Produced in close collaboration with researchers in the humanities and social sciences, CARGO takes a sensitive look at exchanges between peoples in the Mediterranean.
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CARGO is part of a resolutely interdisciplinary and experimental approach to art and science. Based on personal accounts and research, it sheds light on the deep-seated motivations behind mobility in the Mediterranean. These movements are analysed in a sensitive way through the prism of narratives and soundscapes. The result of this innovative approach is a work that has been co-constructed, shared, questioned and disseminated by artists, academics and the general public: an artistic vision of movement in the Mediterranean today, informed by the scientific vision of sociologists, anthropologists and demographers. Cargo takes a contemporary look at south-north and north-south flows, and more generally at the exchanges between peoples that nourish our civilisations.
In today's context, where travel is marked by borders and confinement, and is tainted by the rejection of the Other, we feel it is necessary to once again unite the Mediterranean coasts, the cradles of Western civilisation, territories with multiple and hybrid identities, shaped by the chance of travel and individual and collective encounters.
The Figures are a sensitive device that draws attention to hearing rather than sight, shedding new light on the suspended space-time of the crossing. Deprived of the visuals that impose themselves on the eye, the spectator is freed from the visible. Mental images can emerge in their minds, initiated by the sounds they hear. In this way, CARGO speaks to us in the form of multiple views and cultures.
These figures convey the climax of a story, the undertones of a trajectory, forming an imprint that everyone can grasp and make their own. The voice in the foreground - the inner voice of the displaced person - becomes a chiselled narrative contrasting with the wide openness of the surrounding sounds.
CARGO exists in 2 formats: an interactive/ambulatory format and a listening-room format.

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