“Grotte” is an interior exploration, a journey that I thought up and created during the first confinement following the appearance of Covid 19. It offers an introduction into the twists and turns of my brain, a labyrinth made up of my thoughts, research since this period from which I still find it difficult to get out of it today. Like a hermit crab, I sometimes feel like I'm stuck in my shell of mental isolation. The idea of this project is therefore to explore these different galleries of the brain, which could be compared to elements that could be found in a cave.
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March 2020, start of lockdown everyone is preparing to enter a new situation, an experience where time seems to have stood still for some. This is the start of cave exploration. A place made up of geological elements, minerals, stalagmites, stalagtites, cavities, streams, but also everyday objects such as chairs, beds, tables, fridges scattered throughout the exploration. A cave which seems to be organic by its composition between stone and skin, which seems to react to different emotions, a real living organism that we discover. A mental palace filled with mystery and mythology that reveals itself more and more, marked all the way by a network of rope that we borrow and guide us through different rooms. In each of them, between the objects and mineral elements, stands a statue representing a deity, who as we pass questions us about the purpose of our visit. The statues will give the viewer clues about the character they embody, the reasons and purpose of this exploration. A mystical investigation that pushes the user to explore the different rooms that make up this cave to contemplate and take part in surrealistic scenes where dreams and sciences intersect and mix.
A metaphysical therapy, where he will gradually understand the functioning of this place and its meaning. Perhaps all these steps will bring it to a resolution? What or who is at the end of this rope? An exit ?
With Grotte, the path is more important than the destination. A study about us, with the subject of isolation and the mental health it affects. An exhibition on the complexity of the brain in the service of a dreamlike narration in an imagination where daily life and surrealism mix.
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