
Active since : 2019
Public institution

At the intersection of art, science and technology, Pléiades is a digital arts festival taking place in the city center of Saint-Étienne. Through multimedia experiences, some monumental, others interactive or contemplative, virtual or hybrid, the festival invites to an immersion into a sensitive, poetic and symbolic universe, and opens a dialogue with the audience.

Pléiades invites visitors to explore  creations that highlight historical, architectural and urban heritage, as well as commercial and cultural sites, through the prism of digital technology.

Accessible to all, Pléiades offers an experience into artistic creation and innovation, revealing possible readings of the world. As a biennial event, Pléiades aims to promote public access to digital arts and to foster the artstic ecosystem aligned with the city's cultural life. 

SAINT-ETIENNE (42000), France
We speak French, English, Spanish
Update : 07/06/2024
Pléiades_3, le festival des arts numériques de Sai
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