Albertine Meunier

Active since : 1998
A person

Albertine Meunier is a digital artist.
She has been practicing the so-called "digital" art since 1998, and is particularly interested in using the Internet as raw material. She explores the essential poetry and aesthetics of networks.

She is also a digital art collector and curator. As a curator, she works with L'Avant Galerie in Paris and with 0x4rt.

Albertine Meunier has practicing the so-called "digital" art since 1998, using the Internet in particular as her raw material. She explores the essential poetry and aesthetics of networks.

The online world Albertine knows so well has become her raw material for creation and exploration. She cultivates simple, minimal forms, which may sometimes seem cobbled together from scratch, but she deliberately distances herself from the hyper-technicity of other digital installations. Her works critically and playfully question major online industrials such as Google, Twitter and Facebook.

In her research and artworks, she attempts to reveal the invisible poetry of all things digital.

Albertine takes us on a playful, impertinent and amusingly poetic journey. She's obviously DataDada!

Paris (75010), France
I speak French, English
Update : 15/05/2024
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