Pâquerette Down the Bunburrows is a pathfinding-based puzzle game where you play as Pâquerette trying to exploit bunnies' AI in order to capture them. "Thinking outside the bunburrow" is mandatory if she doesn't want to be outsmarted! Beyond the ever more complex puzzles, cute pixel-art and chiptune soundtrack, Pâquerette Down the Bunburrows hides tons of secret mechanics and hidden content that, at many occasions, force the player to reconsider and recontextualize what they thought they already knew about the game's (and the bunnies'!) inner workings.
Pâquerette Down the Bunburrows
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We wanted to make a puzzle game that heavily rewards exploration and experimentation, providing epiphanies to players as the design pushes them to uncover layers upon layers of hidden depths in the game's mechanics.
The game keeps pulling new ways to twist the player's mind while they weren't done with the previous mechanic, one of the earliest examples being players learning about the baby bunnies mechanic while still getting familiar with pathfinding and basic items: Realising the full scope of the game little by little, sometimes by accident, creates a pleasant yet overwhelming feel.
As players get a better understanding of the game's rules, they come to the realisation that this innocent-looking game is not only a sequence of puzzles but that everything in it is interconnected and that the map is actually a giant sandbox designed for meta bunplay.
We aimed for a "How deep does the rabbit hole go?" feel both literally and mechanically.
Bunburrows is providing a very literal interpretation of "thinking outside the box" by bringing cross-level thinking to the standardized one-screen one-puzzle formula: while early levels include curiosities to hint at/exploit meta mechanics, late-game levels require thinking several puzzles ahead in order to be properly solved. Levels that are seemingly easy hide unforeseen complexity when going for a specific kinds of solutions or when tackled with a babies-related objective in mind!
Another interesting aspect of Bunburrows' open-ended design is that it prevents even us, the developers, from knowing the theoretical maximum of babies achievable: We had to wait for the community to come together in their babies hunt to approximate what the maximum actually is while still remaining unsure it is final. It is likely players will come up with clever new solutions that arise from the game's design while simultaneously escaping our grasp and intent! Bunburrows provides a new playground approach to puzzle game design.
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