Meeting Philip is a musical, video, and visual work based on the recording of a lecture given by Philip K. Dick in Metz in 1977. During this lecture, Philip K. Dick revealed that one of his favorite themes, the existence of a plurality of parallel worlds, was indeed reality and not fiction.
Meeting Philip
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Meeting Philip is a musical, video, and visual work based on the recording of a lecture given by Philip K. Dick in Metz in 1977. During this lecture, Philip K. Dick revealed that one of his favorite themes, the existence of a plurality of parallel worlds, was indeed reality and not fiction. For him, there was no doubt that our world was the product of a computer program whose designer (God, programmer-reprogrammer) episodically changed variables in the past, disrupting the course of our present time and giving rise to other, divergent, uchronic worlds.
“Deja-vu” impressions were a direct result of this “reprogramming”. He then began to recount his own “slippages” from one world to another, claiming that in one of them, he had been assassinated by Richard Nixon’s administration.
Eric Vernhes creates installations and displays with an intrinsic movement that matches that of the viewer’s conscience.
Before all else, and in the absence of any demonstration of the existence of the soul, the spectator is a body, at a precise moment, in a given place, immersed in the contemplation of his or her own imagination, which is projected into the work.
A digression opens up in the incessant movement that propels it towards its finitude. This is an intrinsically, specifically human experience: the artistic experience.
Produced by Eric VERNHES / VIDEOFORMES, with the support of the Fonds SCAN of the DRAC and the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
Provided by the organiser:
Dedicated room whose characteristics must take into account:
- Darkness.
- High volume of the piece.
- The audience must stand back from the piece.
The artist must be present for the installation.
Supplied by Eric Vernhes / VIDEOFORMES:
Metal structure incorporating two 50" screens, a tape recorder, a fan, two sound monitors and a subwoofer, 4 lyre projectors, a smoke machine, computer equipment.
1 fly-case 60*60*60 cm. Weight: 60 kg
1 fly-case 80*60*50cm. Weight: 54 kg
5 metal structure modules with a total dimensions of 140*140*80 cm. Weight: 60 kg
2 x 50" screens.
Size: 230cm*220cm*140 cm.
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