Louis XIV sees his property being invaded by giants in search of the mysterious Pleiades. The Sun King then finds himself embarked against his will on the back of a giantess named Lady Rigel, accompanied by a little king who seems to be looking for his brothers.
Le roi soleil
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How to react when you live in a castle and it becomes the battleground for giants?
The life of a king is never simple, especially when it involves embarking on an adventure!
Accompanied by a mysterious little king who wishes to find his brothers, Le Roi Soleil will experience a unique adventure alongside Lady Rigel and the Giants of the Pleiades. After all, a king must know how to handle any situation!
Through the pages of this one-shot manga, you will learn more about the tastes and duties of a king… even when he must travel to the other side of the world!
Edas, the author of Le Roi Soleil, is published in the manga prepublication magazine Konkuru, with which Myria is partnered.
Passionate about magical and entertaining universes, he invites readers to rediscover history through Edas's quirky lens, presenting a diverse array of characters and settings that are as varied as they are whimsical. He will transport you to a reimagined 17th century: gargantuan, epic, and zany
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