a_BAHN produced, among others, the highly-acclaimed animated social impact film Zero Impunity by Blies Brothers (2019, Annecy International Animation Film Festival), the transmedia documentary Soundhunters (ARTE - 2016, nominated for the Prix Europa), VR films like 7 Lives or Ayahuasca by Jan Kounen (2019, Tribeca Film Festival), and Cosmos Within Us by Tupac Martir (2019, Venezia International Film Festival), or more recently the ambitious TV documentary series Draw For Change (2023, Best series Prize at Canneseries Film Festival), the touring immersive experience Sex, Desire and Data in coproduction with PHI studio in Montreal or Ceci Est Mon Coeur (This Is My Heart) by Blies brothers, an innovative digital art experience mixing video-mapping and connected clothing (2024, Venezia International Film Festival). a_BAHN currently has several projects in development, especially the animated documentary Red Zone by Irina Tsilyk or the feature-length film Maman Sopra by Blies brothers.
In 2023, a_BAHN co-founded VELVET FLARE, a unique digital and immersive art studio (XR) based in Luxembourg, with creative technologist Damiano Picci. The studio works on high-end artistic creations for international culture and entertainment markets. Specialized in scenography and hybridization of immersive technologies, VELVET FLARE aims to become an international reference in the creation of location-based immersive works. The studio includes a design and manufacturing workshop as well as a technological R&D laboratory.