Adrien Nougaret

Active since : 2010
A person

Adrien Nougaret (aka ZeratoR) is a french host, streamer and videomaker who specializes in video games.

Adrien Nougaret (aka ZeratoR) is a french host, streamer and videomaker who specializes in video games. He started his career in 2010 with aAa and became an independant creator in 2015. He mainly broadcasts content on Twitch and put some VOD on YouTube. He also organizes several onstage e-sport tournaments every year during which he casts professionally and is also the founder of a video games development studio called Unexpected. In 2016, he created the charity movement called Z Event that happens one a year in order to raise money for NGO.

Montpellier (34000), France
I speak French, English
Update : 06/02/2024
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