Cent Millions de Pixels

Active since : 2011

Cent Millions de Pixels is a team formed by designers and graphic designers mainly from the world of gaming, but also architecture, communication, advertising or illustration. The team imagines, designs and produce interactive applications at the service of cultural mediation.

Cent Millions de Pixels is above all a company born from a passion. We imagine, design and produce digital, artistic, scientifc, didactic or educational content (or all of these at the same time) for museums, historical and cultural places, institutions, etc. Whether they take the form of interactive applications, audiovisual productions or even entertaining educational narrative devices, our creations are above all created for an audience. With rigor, sensitivity and passion we design each project to measure and adapt our team to your project. Each project is a new feld of discovery, a new experience. We do not envision this profession without the enrichment that each achievement gives us.

Pornic (44210), France
We speak French, English
Contact the team
Martial Brard
Artistic direction
Update : 05/09/2022
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