David Guez

Active since : 1998
A person

David Guez is an artist and author.
He works on digital art projects that question topics such as free media, collaborative uses of the internet, memory and time. His creations are presented in the form of installations, connected objects, websites that use virtual reality, blockchain, AI...
His projects have been presented since 1998 in France and abroad in art centers and festivals (Centre Pompidou, Jeu de paume, Gaiété Lyrique, ISEA…)

David Guez is an artist and author.

He carries out projects whose two fundamental driving forces are:
The notion of “link”: social link, link between different mediums and between different practices, link associated with an idea of ​​otherness where new technologies would be the means of exchange with each other.

The notion of “public”, in the most open sense of the term: “an art open and available to all audiences” and in the political and social sense: “an art which questions public and intimate freedoms and which offers alternatives”.

These two approaches allowed him to invent “objects” and “matrices” which question contemporary subjects and their links with new technologies. These include themes as varied as free media, science, psychoanalysis, the relationship with time, collaborative uses of the Internet, problems of identity, loss of freedom and questions of archiving.

Among its latest projects, A Collective Artificial Intelligence that fights with Google & Facebook AI, A temporal cryptocurrency whose basis of exchange is time, an independent web platform for artists and authors, a virtual reality headset connected to the brain. These projects are presented in France and abroad in art centers or festivals (Centre Pompidou, Jeu de Paume, Gaiété Lyrique, etc.)

Montreuil (93100), France
I speak French, English
Contact the team
Marta Russoli
Partnerships and development
Update : 26/01/2024
Video Podcast
Talk for an exhibition at Gaité lyrique, Paris
Interview Collège des bernardins
Interview Center Pompidou Paper Hard Disk
Exhibition at Center Pompidou (David Guez)
Entretien Place de la Toile - France culture
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Festival Hors-Pistes Centre Pompidou (France), 2024
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