Dômes Studio

Active since : 2015

Since 2015, Dômes Studio has been exploring the intersection between visual arts and music in various forms. Based in Bayonne, this company brings together artists and musicians under the guidance of its artistic director Youri Fernandez. Dômes is committed to promoting cultural diversity by merging visual arts and music, particularly through interactive elements, creating imaginary and ephemeral spaces that transcend artistic boundaries.

For the past nine years, Dômes has been organizing performances, exhibitions, concerts, shows, and other multidisciplinary cultural events. In recent years, the company has specialized in creating interactive shows such as:

- 2022: KYF! - an interactive audiovisual show (afro-synth)

- 2022: Double Vitrage - a light installation / musical performance

- 2025 (in development): HAL2000 - an audiovisual musical show (electro-pop-aerodynamics)

These shows are characterized by a sensitive approach that utilizes new technologies to serve artistic creation.

bayonne (64100), France
We speak French, English
Contact the team
Fernandez Youri
Artistic direction
Update : 07/06/2024
about KYF!
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