Emilie Breslavetz

Active since : 2019
A person

Emilie Breslavetz is a game designer and play artist making experimental video games, alternative controllers and interactive installations.

With a license degree in Métiers du jeu vidéo from Montpellier 3 Paul Valery and a master's degree in game design from ENJMIN, Emilie Breslavetz works as a game designer and play artist in Paris.

From 2019, she got involved in the maker movement and decided to combine this new interest with her skills for video games by manufacturing alternative game controllers and therefore creating new ways of playing and approaching game interactivity.

In her work, she combines game development with artisanal and digital manufacturing methods such as woodworking, electronics, sewing, hacking, misuse, etc. to create tangible, analog and interactive devices, therefore opening up to a new range of creative and fun possibilities in the field of digital arts.

Since 2021, she has joined the Cookie Collective which brings together digital artists involved in digital and real-time creation: video games, performances, live coding, video mapping, demoscene, etc. With them, she began to exhibit their controllers during alternative hybrid evenings between concerts, shows and installations.

Paris (75000), France
I speak French, English
Update : 11/06/2024
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Le Rendez-vous de Makers Paris (France), 2024
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Numok Paris (France), 2024
A MAZE. 12th Berlin (Germany), 2023
Indie Showcase Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2023
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