Jean-Baptiste Cognet

Active since : 2010
A person

Jean-Baptiste Cognet is a French musician based in Saint-Etienne.

He studied music at theconservatory of Lyon and Lyon "Lumière" university.

Founder and member of the Walter Dean and Memorial* projects, Jean-Baptiste Cognet also collaborates as a composer and performer for theater, cinema and more recently for digital arts.

Based on a repetitive writing process, his work is nourished by ambient sensations, noise textures, reverberated loops and psychedelic music.

Jean-Baptiste Cognet is a french composer based in Saint-Étienne (France), born in Lyon in 1985.

He is graduated from conservatory of Lyon and Lyon "Lumière" university where he studied musicology, composition, harmony, counterpoint, electronic & tape music, and film scoring.

Founder and member of Walter Dean project (audiovisual performances alongside Guillaume Marmin and Carla Pallone) and Memorial* (poetic and musical performances alongside Clément Bondu and many musicians), he also collaborates as a composer and performer for theater shows (Thierry Jolivet, Marion Pellissier, Ambre Kahan or Laurent Brethome ...), cinema (Adrien Selbert, Florian Bardet or Pierre Giafferi ...) and more recently for digital arts (Guillaume Marmin, David Debrinay…).

He received a grant from SACEM in 2009 for the Emergence residency in Paris for young film music composers.

He also received a grant from the SACD (Bourse Beaumarchais) in 2016 for a lyrical art composition which has been diffused in many venues in France until 2019.

He travelled in the USA in 2015 to collaborate with the conservatory of Lyon to a theatre play project with the students of the University of Minnesota Duluth Art Department.

He has been invited at the Digital Choc Festival in Tokyo by the French Institute in 2018 with the Walter Dean performance, and to Tel Aviv for the French Theater Festival in Israel in 2019.

He recently obtained a financial grant from the Support Fund for Digital Artistic Creation Fonds (SCAN Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) in order to develop his new live project REGULAR.

Articulated around a repetitive writing process, his work feeds on ambient sensations, noise textures, lyrical synthesizers, while giving pride of place to the legacy claimed from pop to techno.

From large ensembles (the fresco Nous qui avions perdu le monde for 10 musicians) to small bands (Regular solo, or Walter Dean trio), his music evolves through an unbridled and reverberated psychedelic language, which combines fever and romanticism.

Saint-Étienne (42000), France
I speak French, English
Update : 05/06/2024
REGULAR - trailer
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