Josephine Derobe

Active since : 2006
A person

Joséphine Derobe is an artist and a director exploring narrative and creative forms in the fields of cinema, digital arts (VR, AR, installation) and theater play.


Theater: Actually, she is creating and staging a theater play. A text she adapted from a French novel. Residency at Le CENTQUATRE-Paris, supported by La Fabrique 3D and Ki M'aime me Suive.

VR Experiences: side by side of the theater play, she co-writes and direct an interactive VR experience with Claire Allante produced by Small Creative.

Cinema Long-Feature Film as scriptwriter and director, her fiction first feature film, is actually in development - selected in Groupe Ouest and So Film de Genre residencies.


VR Experiences : Meet Mortaza, her VR film (with a location-based installation version) about exile and asylum, tells the great journey of an afghan refugee in France. 2020 Premiere in Europe at Venice VR Expanded, FNC, US Premiere at SXSW, Go Short, Stereopsia, FIPA, GIFF Guanajuato, Aesthetica. Rewards : Best VR at Chelsea Film Festival and Courant 3D. She codirected the VR documentary experience The Wedding at Cana (Prix Nouvelles Ecritures Scam), Les Poissons Volants - Arte – RMN. Fipa, FIFA, Clermont-Ferrand, Busan, Genève, Lima, Guanuajuto Mexique, Virtuality ...Best Art in VR at Master of Art Film Sofia (2019)

3D Cinema Shorts : She wrote and directed two 3D films : Journal d'un frigo (Diary of a Fridge) No dialogues live 3D and Stop motion animation - Films du Nord, AmaK Studio, Wizz / Clément Sibon -25  Selections 2D & 3D / 8 rewards / France 3 channel. Second short Souviens-moi (Forget Me Not) 35 selections 3D International Festivals / 12 awards / France 3 channel.

Installation & VR : Portrait (e)Mouvant, her digital art piece in two variations (#1location based installation and #2 VR experience) about our virtual presence was coproduced by the Digital Art Center of Enghien (CDA) and La Fabrique 3D with a Premiere at Les Bains Numeriques.

Theater :  Artist Show reel - dance performance & 3D video projection - Collaboration about selfportrait  with  school students L.Aubrac  Villetaneuse  Partnership : La Fabrique 3D - CDA - Département Seine-St-Denis /  Festival Tintam’Arts  - CDA d’Enghien-les-Bains

Paris (75019), France
I speak French, English, Spanish, Portuguese
Update : 15/05/2024
Meet Mortaza
La Fabrique 3D (Josephine Derobe)
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Europa Prize (France) - 2020
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Festival Effervescence !POC! Scène artistique d’Alfortville (France), 2024
Festival Les Révélations Le Havre (France), 2024
Immersity Cnam-Enjmin à Angouleme (France), 2024
Shanghai International Film Festival Shanghai (China), 2024
Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (Canada), 2020
Kaleidoscope (France), 2020
San Francisco International Film Festival (United States), 2020
Sunny Side of the Doc /Pixii (France), 2020
Venise VR Expanded (Italy), 2020
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