Michaël Borras AKA Systaime

Active since : 1995
A person

Systaime is a French contemporary visual artist. His given name is Michael Borras.

Artist of the multimedia and the networks, Systaime is the founder of the movement French Trash Touch, he is an important actor of the international alternative artistic network, the digital art and the art in network.

Michaël Borras works on numerous international artistic events as producer, organizer, speaker, art curator .

In 2011, he is the inspirator and the founder of the Spamm, the Museum of the Super Modern Arts.

Limoges (87000), France
I speak French, English, Spanish
Update : 02/07/2024
Cov¡d19 (Systaime)
Swimming Pool (Systaime)
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Recto VRso Laval (France), 2022
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