Nicolas Guichard

Active since : 2008
A person

Nicolas Guichard is an artist of the Lab212 collective. His work is based on the poetic impact of everyday objects, the materialisation of invisible physical events, the immersion of the visitor in a space whose rules are partly written and partly in the making. His work proposes experimental protocols, in which visitors write part of the story. 

Trained in New Media at Gobelins Paris, Nicolas Guichard has been developing his artistic practice for 15 years within the Lab212 collective, at the crossroads of design and engineering. The confrontation with reality, the economy of means and the hijacking/decontextualisation are the main axes structuring his practice and his reflection. 

His works have been exhibited at the Cube and the Gaîté Lyrique in Paris, at the MISK Art Institute in Riyadh, at the Times Art Museum, Beijing. His taste for transmission has led him to run workshops for school and adult audiences, as well as to take part in conferences, such as at the Maison des Métallos in Paris and the KIKK Festival in Namur.

Die (26150), France
I speak French, German, English
Update : 15/05/2024


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