Serge Bouchardon

Active since : 2007
A person

Serge Bouchardon is Professor at the Université de technologie de Compiègne (Alliance Sorbonne Université), where he teaches interactive writing. His research focuses on digital literature. As an author, he is particularly interested in the way the gestures specific to the Digital contribute to the construction of meaning.

With an advanced degree in modern literature, the author is particularly interested in the way the gestures specific to the Digital contribute to the construction of meaning. His creations have been exhibited in many venues in Europe, America, Africa and the Middle East. They have been selected in various online reviews (bleuOrange, Hyperrhiz, SpringGun, The New River). The creation Loss of Grasp ( won the New Media Writing Prize 2011.

Compiègne (60200), France
I speak French, English
Update : 20/01/2023


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