Twelve blind people - six women and six men - are waiting in a very ancient northern forest; eternal of aspect, beneath a sky profoundly starred, for the return of their guide, a priest. While they wait, they attempt to work out where they are in both time and space. Through the words they utter, they fill the silence and learn more about each other, noticing that they have been complete strangers for quite some time. The crisis breaks out when the group discovers the priest’s corpse lying amongst them, from the very beginning.
The Blind
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We are transposing this context to our present time. The blind (as in the characters) represent the whole of humanity; hesitant, ignorant of its condition, waiting for some sort of guidance whether it be religion, superstition, philosophy or science. What both guides us as humans and loses us at the same time?
The audience capacity is set for twelve spectators, all equipped with VR headsets and headphones. They will be seated in a twelve-sided stage designed to resemble an artificial or even abstract forest. The forest, in itself, is one of the main characters of the play, therefore its representation will play an integral part in the graphic work as well as in the set design.
This project is a virtual reality play as it combines both theatre tools, set design and VR technology. Our aim is to stage Maeterlinck’s theatre; a theatre of silence and stillness in which the characters / spectators are immobile, in order to bring out the sensory landscape composed by the author. It’s an experience that is both individual and collective. Individual through our immediate perception and collective through the way the experience resonates with the twelve spectators at the end of the play.
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