Chrysalis, giant and participatory installation for the creation of a common dream. Chrysalis is the combination of inflatable sculpture, artificial intelligence, nature and dreams. It allows the spectators’ dreams to be brought to life, allowing them to dream bigger. This caterpillar represents our desire to change, to change our modes of consumption and work, in view of the environmental situation which continues to deteriorate. The urgency to change.
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The Chrysalis project symbolizes the transitional state of metamorphosis that society must undergo to "dream 2074" with the greatest possible optimism. This project aims to unite people around a common desire and dream to think big and create a positive momentum. This giant caterpillar represents us and our ideas. Its impressive size—16 meters long with a circumference of 2.7 meters—is designed to immerse the public in a dreamlike world, evoking surprise and prompting questions. The inflatable, white aspect is intended to evoke a sense of softness, dreaminess, and comfort that one wants to touch. The ground is covered with recycled grass, allowing the public to be gently welcomed and to choose where they want to stay.
The video was generated from the dreams of the inhabitants of Moutier, following a local survey conducted over a month via a questionnaire. Once the data was collected, Stable Diffusion was used to combine the dreams into multiple patterns, creating the caterpillar design. These patterns, which adorn the white body of the inflatable, are primarily used to morph and represent the dreams of the inhabitants of Moutier. Like Rorschach inkblots used in psychoanalysis, the caterpillar patterns will express the dreams and expectations of Moutier’s residents, thus delivering this shared dream.
Accompanying the video is a musical creation featuring caterpillar sounds, punctuated by various AI-generated voices that reference the "dreams" / prompts, allowing spectators to hear and understand what they see projected.
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