Ergonomics, question the current characteristics of the urban body to propose solutions for the future body. What adaptations and which uses of the body in the future smartcity? The team of Ergonomics imagines a choreographic fiction, in the context of an innovation company, questioning the new strategies of the marketing, replaying the discourse of start-up … a particular show of dance-theater.
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Ergonomics, question the current characteristics of the urban body to propose solutions for the future body. What adaptations and which uses of the body in the future smartcity? The team of Ergonomics imagines a choreographic fiction, in the context of an innovation company, questioning the new strategies of the marketing, replaying the discourse of start-up … a particular show of dance-theater. With Ergonomics, Rocio Berenguer proposes a shifted and critical exploration of the contemporary themes of the future body, the urban body, the Smart City and the clichés of the innovation at the time of the all-digital.
Welcome to the ERGOconference! A hyper-real physical-performative reality experience and surreal-virtual-abstract technology experience. Experience fiction and documentation, animation and emotion, app and absurdity! Move your urban body of the future through the conference room!
The (fake) start-up company Ergonomics presents in a conference its latest product: the SMART_BODY. And the audience is invited to physically experience and try out this fresh innovative ERGOproduct.
What’s behind Ergonomics:
During the power-critical dance performance the team of Ergonomics shares with the audience its latest technologies of human design. In form of the “Smart Body Data Training” ERGONOMICS develops with the audience concret visions of physical designs of the scientific future. Smart bodies that fit into the urban space, without loosing any energy.
In Ergonomics, we stage experimental perception situations in interaction with their daily technology.
The relationship between human body and urban space is the field of intervention of the performative conference Ergonomics. We negotiate performatively how the body gets shaped and defined by architecture and society. How can we appropriate urban space as a possible field of (inter-)action?
In Ergonomics we invite our audience to experience and create the future forms of their own human body. In poetic-virtual choreographies like a Selfie Ballet we fuse our bodies and expand the perception of the audience. We create real and absurd future visions of our bodies for and with our spectators.
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