
Active since : 2013

Pulso produces and disseminates the work of the artist Rocio Berenguer, a transdisciplinary artist working on the narratives of the future.

Pulso is the structure that supports the work of Rocio Berenguer, 

Born in 1987 in Spain and living in France since 2012, Rocio Berenguer is interested in the major issues and changes in our contemporary world - including the evolution of individual freedom in our society, the place of technology in our daily lives, ecological issues, etc. Whether in Homeostasis#V2, about the dialogue between humans and artificial intelligence, in Ergonomics, inspired by the world of start-ups, or in G5, about the threats to the future of humanity and species diversity, his creations are prospective fictions that explore the possibility of "another tomorrow". They also reveal our contemporary neuroses.

For each creation, Rocio begins a process of investigation and dialogue with scientists which generates a text that she then combines with other materials, preferring to hybridize different media - text, dance, video, digital art - rather than restricting herself to a single practice. The use of new technologies, which is very present in her work, is not a matter of fascination but of a desire to integrate them into her poetic writing while questioning the way in which these technologies, which are omnipresent in our lives, modify our interpersonal relationships. In the end, it is the body that is the centre and the point of convergence of his work. The body crossed by social codes of behaviour, the body at the centre of issues of identity, representation and desire. The body threatened in its freedom and sovereignty by the arrangements of neo-capitalism, the body as a territory to be reconquered.

Among Rocio Berenguer's latest creations are Stéthoscope, MEMO, Corps/non-lieu (winner of the 1st prize in the Biennale "Les BainsNumériques"), Homeostasis#V2, Ergonomics, Coexistence, G5. Her work is distributed in France and internationally. She is in research residency at the Centre des arts d'Enghien-les-Bains, scène conventionnée pour les écritures numériques and at the Hexagone, scène nationale de Meylan. In 2019 - 2020, she is an associate artist of the Théâtre Nouvelle Génération, Centre Dramatique National de Lyon. From 2020 to 2021 she will create the Laboratoire de Mythologies Contemporaines at the Théâtre de la Ville de Paris.

Paris (75012), France
We speak French, English, Catalan, Spanish
Contact the team
Rocio Berenguer
Update : 05/09/2022


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