Through a series of visual works, drawn diagrams, and an interactive installation in the form of an artistic escape game, u2p050's new exhibition at Avant Galerie, Faux Positif, offers an experimental and documentary exploration of conspiracy theories. Visitors will uncover the unsuspected connections between various conspiracy theories across the ages, revealing the deep roots of these narratives that shape our political and media reality.
Faux Positif
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On the walls are hung diagrams illustrating the hallucinatory relationships between conspiracies and their synthetic visual representations. In the central space, an installation transforms the exhibition area into a participatory open space investigation, with various desks to activate. Visitors are invited to become investigators of imaginary conspiracies spreading at lightning speed throughout the gallery, navigating between mysterious printers and incessant phone calls, in the manner of a treasure hunt that resonates with conspiratorial practices of delving into sometimes obscure media, on the theme of "do your own research."
Yes, the conspiracy is everywhere and can be in each of us. In 2018, according to a survey by the Jean Jaurès Foundation, 79% of French people believed in at least one conspiracy theory. Conspiracism is present in all cultural spheres, and what could be more cultural than finding it in art? "Our goal is not to judge, but to understand how these narratives are constructed and propagated," explain the members of u2p050, adding that "conspiracy theories have become true cultural expressions of our time."
This exhibition considers conspiracy theories as cultural artifacts that reveal our collective anxieties. Although fanciful, these narratives carry a fragment of truth about our era and our fundamental need to make sense of things. In a world where the distinction between fact and fiction is fading, understanding the narrative structures of conspiracism becomes essential. u2p050 thus encourages us to develop new tools for thinking, beyond simple fact-checking, to navigate our post-truth era.
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