Flow invites to float with the wind on what seems to be a day like any other, with its turbulence: a night in the life of a woman painted by a flow of air currents.
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Flow invites you to float with the wind on what seems at first glance to be a day like any other, with its turbulence: a night in the life of a woman, painted by the ebb and flow of air currents.
Smells, heat, breathing, natural and artificial gusts of wind, the air currents, affected by invisible presences, make the imperceptible perceptible.
They reveal to us a series of events in which the woman that we follow during her wanderings takes part. They throw us in a world entirely made of air.
But when the storm calms down, and the woman wakes up from what turns out to have been a dream, the world is no longer the same.

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