In a field, we see moving bodies. Above them, pollinating drones who came to compensate for the disappearance of bees. As a conductor, a beekeeper-programmer of drones, master of fertilizing algorithms. The piece attempts to answer this crucial question in a poetic way: can the machine create life and save us from ecological disaster?
Flying bodies across the fields
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"Flying bodies across the fields is a contemporary dance piece for four performers and a swarm of drones, exploring the phenomenon of the progressive disappearance of bees and the use of pollinating drones to compensate for this loss.
The piece attempts to answer this crucial question through a poetic prism: can the machine create life and save us from ecological disaster?
In a field, we see moving bodies. Above them, pollinating drones who came to compensate for the disappearance of bees. As a conductor, a beekeeper-programmer of drones, master of fertilizing algorithms.
Through dance, we are showing innovative living beings, who try to adapt to the new bee, and bodies which reinvent themselves in font of this palliative, in search of their form and their survival.
We work the body in its capacity for morphogenesis, as an entity generating infinite algorithmic mutations to evolve into the next form. Tangles, touches, undulations cross a set of bodies sometimes liquid, sometimes honeyed, sometimes aerial. States of abandonment, vacillation and tension reflect the transition from one evolutionary phase to another. The body is subject to a perpetual transformation and perceived in the multitude of its forms: body-insect, body-machine, body-flower.
Irrigated by the reflections of Jacques Tassin on the sensitive interactions which govern the living world, the choreographic writing makes visible, through movement, the sensitivity of plants, their astonishing capacity to extend into the other and to compose between the exterior and oneself. The choreography features bodies demonstrating a form of sensitive intelligence, inspired by plants.
With Flying bodies across the fields, I would like to create a response to contemporary reality, question the ecological quest of humanity and deliver a metaphorical reflection on the place of living beings in a world where the machine would be responsible for the reproduction of plants, and therefore of the creation of life."
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