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Long credits slowly roll on the movie screen, from bottom to top. First name, last name. First name, last name...
It is the list of the names of all human beings.
Everyone is named, and all names are displayed with the same visual importance. The list is not alphabetical nor chronological. The font, the display size and the scrolling speed enable each name to be read. The Grand Credits is an artwork that is designed to be displayed on screen, in a scenography referring to the world of the movie theater.
When it is exhibited, The Grand Credits displays in priority the names of the persons linked to the city and to the artistic context of the exhibition. It thus creates a mirroring link with the spectators. The names are displayed in the local alphabet and the graphic design matches the traditions of the place and times.
It is important that everyone is named. This infinite generative artwork relies on internet and network logistics to incrementally build the list of the names of all human beings. For example, each exhibition of The Grand Credits can be the occasion to collect the list of the names of the persons linked to the exhibition or the place. Also it is possible to add one's name to The Grand Credits, through a simple web page. During the exhibitions of The Grand Credits, a computer can be provided so that the visitors can add the name to The Grand Credits.
It is The Grand Credits of all human beings.
Artistic concept :
Extrapolating the warholian 15 minutes of fame in our democratic society of the spectacle, The Grand Credits gives to every one its room in the credits.
But what is the movie ? Is there a scenario ? Who wrote it ? Are things pre-programmed, or are we all still free to act ? The Grand Credits is anchored in my artistic obsession with the opposition between destiny and free will, and it ends up questioning each and everyone of us on our own identity and responsibility.
Is it the opening or the closing credits ?