Exhibition : Escape, digital generations

2 pros
The Institut français is presenting the French cultural network abroad and its partners with a new exhibition focused on the key contemporary issues of the digital world. Following the success of a similar initiative over the past two years, Escape, digital generations offers an educational and engaging exploration of digital cultures, featuring around twenty creations that combine digital art, video games, and virtual reality experiences.
This exhibition will be available for circulation in the cultural network's institutions and those of their partners starting in November 2024 for a period of two years. It includes a variety of workshop suggestions and mediation guidelines suitable for all audiences.

A programming offer ready to use, for the cultural network and its partners
The Institut français proposes to the French cultural network abroad programming offers, which gather exhibitions and catalogs of digital creations intended to be presented in their venues or those of their partners.
The Institut français acquired the international non-commercial distribution rights for these creations, for in situ presentations within the venues of the French cultural network or those of their partners. Events are then organized locally by the French cultural network abroad.
An exhibition in four themes
The exhibition Escape, digital generations takes us on a journey into the core of major contemporary digital issues through four sections: an exploration of the history of the Internet; a dive into the realm of digital capitalism, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence; and finally, it dives into the role of humans in this ecosystem, highlighting how individuals and communities can act to promote an inclusive and sustainable digital transition. Escape, digital generations is an exhibition designed to deepen our understanding of digital cultures: global and diverse. It presents past, present, and future stories of our lives in the digital world through the eyes of artists.
The Digital Revolution
The code is the law
Welcome to the next level
Play collectively

The curators
The exhibition was designed by a duo of curators: creator and cultural event planner Eric Boulo and digital artist Antonin Fourneau.