Maraya Arrouh (mirrors of the soul) is a hybridization between the body and the digital, dance and interactive images, at the service of a shared spirituality, a face of an answer, an imagined remedy for a damaged world.
Maraya Arrouh (Miroirs de l'âme)
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The "Maraya Arrouh" project is the result of a collaboration between the K. Danse Cy (Jean-Marc Matos), based in France (Toulouse) and the Col'jam Cy (Ahlam El Morsli, Wajdi Gagui) based in Morocco (Casablanca). It is based on a fusion of the choreographic approach of Ahlam El Morsli and Wajdi Gagui
with the artistic proposals of choreographer Jean-Marc Matos and digital artist Arnaud Courcelle, articulated around artist residencies in Casablanca, Tetouan, 2021, and at the CDC La Termitière in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 2022.
Choreographers: Ahlam El Morsli, Wajdi Gagui and Jean-Marc Matos
Dancers: Ahlam El Morsli & Wajdi Gagui
Digital artist: Arnaud Courcelle
Production and distribution: Majid Seddati
The performance, deeply inspired bt the spiritual approach of Soufism, questions also man-woman relationships and proposes, in its hybrid version, the complte integration of a highly expressive dance with a digital scenography which magnifies and closely accompanies the choreographic staging.
The project, in its totality, proposes:
- A joint dance-technology new work (dance, music, image, interactive scenography)
- The pooling of professional expertise
- Creation residencies shared between Casablanca and Toulouse
- Mediation on choreographic and digital culture, in both countries
The work resulting from this collaboration was first presented in Casablanca, at the opening of the FIAV 2021 Festival.
A workshop may accompagny this artwork.

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